my mom cant stand the lizzard ard the kitchen,so she bought the lizzard trap,its harmless...just tht wen the lizzard thought of getting close to the food/baet, sticky n cant moved...the more the lizzard moves....the more it got cought!!good idea too....
u guys hav to just take a look,the lizzard like got cought and a few mins later ants was like serounding it...i guess their taking it home to FEAST!!but i took and throw it away...cos dont wanna see the lizzard suffer being beaten all over bec of the red ants!ew...

Jihan and I,having tea break in Zang Toi Cafe in Parkson,Pavilion(see kel i got it right this time :P)
take care guys,godbless......
zang toi cafe! that place.
and u had the same drink.hehehe
lets go there again, yes?
yeh of course!the food there even teste good!!yummy....(but wen i hav extra $$ la,can go broke if i eat there)
I miss you too =C
you never send me the photos dear... =P
oppss....its been so long alry,4got,sori!hehe...
when I saw the lizard I shivered twice. so disgusting!
haha..wht to do,they hav to b caught!!!too many in the kitchen..
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