Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm Expecting 2!!

thats Zhareen and Bugz,after lunch in Sg.Wang!

lets just say my previous entry title have cause a stir for some people out there!
thinking that "I EXPECTING" wonder how that will ever happened!?!

EXPECTING could mean i expect my friends to be this person,but the more i get to know about that human being,it totally changes the view that i once look at him/her!this is to say...i'm not trying to judge that person in a way...myb we just dont go along together even as friends(HS-i'm not talking about u,its about frens that i hav in college)

anyway anyhow..
it's the last month of the year 2008,closing it with a list of what had happened that is coming up pretty soon...(need time to think and write down..)
take care guys..


haha said...

owh wow!
not sure who is this college friend u are reffering to....
could be me!

Julian Jansen Goh said...

haha....Jihan do u think ur one of them?

Medie007 said...

what a metrosexual! huahuahua...

and is that subang parade?

Julian Jansen Goh said...

medie007-is that a compliment??
haha....if so...thks..
subang parade??nono...its in KL,Sg.Wang!

haha said...

oh god!
u ARE referring to me!
are u?


haha said...

oh god!
u ARE referring to me!
are u?


Julian Jansen Goh said...

i'm asking a question Jihan....!
doesnt mean that your one of them!
hello My" DIVA,u should know where ur standing!!